Intuitive Eating is a self-care eating framework, which integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought. It was created by two dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. Intuitive Eating is a weight-inclusive, evidence-based model with a validated assessment scale and over 100 studies to date.

It’s a personal and dynamic process, which includes 10 principles:

1. Reject the Diet Mentality

2. Honor Your Hunger

3. Make Peace with Food

4. Challenge the Food Police

5. Respect Your Fullness

6. Discover the Satisfaction Factor

7. Honor Your Feelings without Using Food

8. Respect Your Body

9. Exercise—Feel the Difference

10. Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition

The principles work in two key ways:

1. By helping you cultivate attunement to the physical sensations that arise from within your body to get both your biological and psychological needs met.

2. Removing the obstacles and disruptors to attunement, which usually come from the mind in the form of rules, beliefs, and thoughts.

The process of Intuitive Eating is a practice, which honors both physical and mental health. Intuitive Eating is aligned with Health at Every Size, because the pursuit of intentional weight loss is a failed paradigm, which creates health problems: including weight stigma, weight cycling, and eating disorders. All bodies deserve dignity and respect. By Evelyn Tribole,

I am a certified Intuitive Eating counselor who has received certification from Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. I will help you work through the principles of Intuitive Eating in order to assist you to find a healthy relationship with your body and food once again.